Some Masonic Stuff, Gun Stuff & Other Stuff

Some Masonic Stuff, Gun Stuff & Other Stuff
A place that hopefully makes you smile!

CHL Eligibility Page

There are several requirements concerning
eligibility to obtain a concealed handgun license.

Please check your eligibility as all fees are non-refundable.

The concealed handgun laws set out the eligibility criteria that must be met.*

For example,

  • You must be 21 years of age.
  • You must be fully qualified under Federal and State law to purchase a handgun.
  • You must not be a fugitive from justice.
  • You must be a legal resident of this state for the six-month period preceding the date of application or otherwise eligible for a license under GC Section 411.173(a)*
  • You have not been convicted of a class A or B misdemeanor in the last 5 years. (Remember Deferred Adjudication Conviction when it comes to CHL)
  • You have no adult felony convictions. (Again, remember Deferred Adjudication Conviction when it comes to CHL)
  • You cannot be charged with any offense that could make you ineligible to carry a concealed weapon.
  • you must be capable of exercising sound judgment with respect to the proper use and storage of a handgun.
  • You cannot be chemically dependent.
  • You have not been judged to be mentally incompetent.
  • You must have no judgments against you for taxes, school loans, or child support. (However, if you have a payment agreement and are paying it off you will probably qualify)
  • You must not be under a court protective order or restraining order that involves a spousal relationship. (affecting property only is OK)
  • You must not have made any material misrepresentation or failed to disclose any material fact in an application or request for application.*

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